Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wonderful Ending

As the year comes to an end I must say overall the year has been rather well to me. I've had the ups and downs but they have made me who I am.

The last few weeks have made this year worth everything. My dating life had been at a standstill and I was just about to give up when this amazing man appeared from nowhere. I am more than blessed to have him to be apart of my life. I could go on for days telling you about him but I'm sure you all would get sick of it all. What's the most important thing you need to know is that I love him! He's a man that holds the gospel to his heart and is worthy to hold the priesthood and use it when need be. He strives to live the best he can and he makes me want to be the best I can as well. He's an added bonus to a great year! The Lord knows my needs and takes care of me how He sees fit, and that's Clinton!

Oh how I love this man

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Home Again

Last week I took some time off and headed out to Utah. I had fun hanging out with Heather and the family. I also enjoyed spending more time with Jayson as well. It was good seeing him again and just being good friends. While in Utah I went to Provo and visited Kim and Tyler, and Tyler JR now! Kainoa also moved to Provo after I moved back home to Kentucky last year, I got to see him and spend the afternoon with him also. I'm home now and life continues as it was before. It was tough getting up early and going to work, yet I did it and I'm happy as can be. Hope all is well with everyone!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Life as I know it

Where to start?!
Well I guess first off I was released from being the Relief Society President this past week. Since I work every Sunday it was difficult trying to keep up with things.
Then speaking of work I was offered to apply for a state position! I'm excited and look forward to getting the perks that come with the job.

Also this coming week I will be headed to Utah! I can't wait to see Heather and the family. I also can't wait to see Jayson and have a good visit with him :) I miss my friends out there and hope to see them when I get the chance. I also hope to see what will come with maybe going back to school for law enforcement. We'll see what all comes from this trip. Hopefully the reason for this trip will workout!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Shopping Spree

I had a day off which felt good and I had a blast as I went shopping. I went to the mall and got plenty of new clothes and shoes. I know it's not that exciting but it was a day out I needed. I had fun just spending time by myself. Here are the shoes I got today :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Enjoying Life

Here I am sitting and relaxing on my day off and figured I could share what's been going on lately. Everyone should know already there was a time were things just seemed to be going downhill with work, the love life, and the car and since then of course things have been looking up. I'm doing rather well and enjoy my job.

In our family we always joke about there being "The Burnett Curse" and for me the part of the curse is not having many friends, or at least not feeling very involved even if I have some. Lately I have found a friend that breaks the curse. I finally have a friend that accepts me for me and we have a good time hanging out. It's just refreshing to have someone to talk to (besides family). I'm just glad that the Lord is blessing my life in many ways right now. I am grateful for all He does for me and will continue to do.

Along the line of work, I am loving my job as I have mentioned. However it has opened my eyes to many things in life. I sometimes wonder if I want to do something else along the lines with the law. I don't know what I would want to do, but I really enjoy this line of work. If you know me well it fits me, but most people wouldn't see me doing my job. I love the fact I am helping people in away others cannot. As I get to know those around me my heart aches for some of them and others I feel sorry for. To sit there and see what is happening with their life is heartbreaking. I know we are all children of our Heavenly Father and I know it must hurt Him to see where they have taken their lives, yet I KNOW He still loves them. Somehow I feel like I am supposed to help them and be His hands, I just don't know how and in what way. So if anyone has any input (even if you don't know me) feel free to share! I'm open minded to what there is out there.

One other thing :) Hopefully sooner than later I'll be going to Utah for a little visit to see someone! This makes me happier than anyone can imagine. Life is coming together and I feel amazing about everything. Now it's just a matter of when for the rest to happen.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


It's time I moved on from Baby so today Twizler came into the picture. I have a love of twizlers and red vines so since my new car is red, that's what her name became :)
She has a sunroof, 4WD, a hitch, and much more that I love.
Anyway I have a new (to me at least), Chevy Blazer so here it is.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Baby Ouch!

Everyone should know Baby (my car) had been in the shop for awhile and I finally got her back on Monday August 15th! Well Thursday the 18th Baby decided she was going to die again and this time maybe for good. Baby and I got in an accident and weren't too bad off. I was really sore of course and she had some damage to her hood. So off we went to head home with Mom and Grandma behind us just encase anything happened. Oh am I so glad they were there. Not enough half a mile down the road I was scared more than ever in my life. I've lived through some pretty tough and trying things but this did me in. I was driving along when the hood of Baby came off in the back (by the windshield) and came into my car, causing the front to pop up and come flying in as well! I couldn't see a thing of course so I hurry to the side of the road where I almost hit a speed limit sign, or something. Mom and Grandma's reaction was OH MY as they saw other parts of my car flying through the air. The officer wasn't far away who had taken the report and was there in a matter of a couple of minutes. As I through my car in park all I could do was open my car door and fall to the ground. I have no idea what was going on around me what traffic was doing until I saw my mom and the officer walk over to me. I was scared out of my mind and shaking like no other. All I remember is the officer saying something along the lines of "she just needs a good cry" and pretty much not to touch me for I was covered in glass. Next thing I know the ambulance is coming and the check out my eyes for glass and take my vitals and what not and ask if I want to go with them. Let's be for real, last time I was in one I had major neck and back issues and didn't really want to go so I opted out. When all was said and done, Mom and Grandma helped me home and all I wanted to do was take a shower, so I did. Finally Papa comes home (he had been in Ohio for business) and comes and hugs me. for some reason fathers hugs always make things better. Even though I am alright for the most part Baby sure isn't. Now I'm playing the waiting game to see if my car insurance is going to fix her or total her. In away I want to a new car, but Baby and I have been through so much and she is all mine. She's paid for and everything. I guess only time will tell.


Last Sunday. August 14 I was woke up to the sight below. Sorry the first 2 pictures are kind of blurry they were taken through my window so it's the screen.

Papa on top of the tree
The tree in our yard finally came down after years of us waiting for it!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Reliving Our Childhood

About a month ago my sisters Laura and Amy went with me for a little time traveling trip. We headed out for the 80's and ended up right in front of NKOTB and BSB! For those of you who don't know who that is... shame on you lol, it's New Kinds On the Block and Back Street Boys.

WE had a fun night out as sisters and reliving our childhood. Only way it would have been better was if Heather could have been there to make it complete. Growing up we all were fanatics. We each had our own "barbie" doll of EACH KNOTB member, t-shirts, back-packs, sleeping bags, sheets, etc! We had a blast. Glad I got to go with them!!!!

Matthew Morrison
Mr. Schuester frome Glee was the opening act!
We loved their outfits!
Yes that IS a rats tail!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Loving the New Job

Well last week I started the new job and I am loving it so far. Unlike most of the officers up there I haven't had much training, they have just thrown me to the dogs. I've done some fun tasks and some unpleasant ones. Today I got to take my first field trip and take someone to the hospital for testings, I got to help check in someone, and dealt with some that just didn't want to listen. It keeps you busy and makes the day go be faster also. I really am enjoying working there and can't wait for what else is to come!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

One Year Older and Wiser Too

Happy Birthday to

Today this little girl turned 23. Man I'm growing up and too fast at times, and not fast enough at others :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Turning Around

Lately we all know I haven't been too happy with things in my life. Well today I was finally offered the job I really wanted! Prepare yourself for this because it's not what most people see me doing, or think would be a good fit for me, however I am WAAAAYYYY excited. I'm going to be working at the Kentucky State Penitentiary in the psychiatric ward as an officer! I can't wait to start :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cumberland Falls

This past weekend almost 80 of us singles got together and headed down to Cumberland Falls in southern Kentucky. We had a camp out and then headed down the river. Some of us canoed while others kayaked, I was personally kayaking. Not long into the trip down the river Josh and I managed to get caught on a rock... fun right?! So the kayak wouldn't loosen so it took 3 men to pull it out and empty it out (I helped as well... or tried to). My legs got cuts and bruises on them from where the kayak was full of water and actually sinking with me still in it. While it was sinking it went under the other kayak and was turning (with me in it keep in mind). So finally I get out of it but my ankle was beat up some, but we got it all taking care of and went on down the river again. What a beautiful thing Heavenly Father gave to us, nature. As we continued down the river I really was reminded of what all we have been blessed with.

When our trip was to an end Josh and I were headed towards the side of the river when we were taken by surprise. When I mean taken, I mean it literally. Our kayak was overturned by a big wave that came from nowhere and flipped us out and sent the kayak down the river. Josh was lucky enough to end up closer to the river bank than I. The current was moving so fast and rapidly that it swept me away in the the middle of the river and farther down stream. As I finally get my footing on a rock I happened to find (underwater so it was slippery) I start praying loud and more intense than I ever have in my life.

Here I am stuck in the middle of this river and I'm using every ounce of energy and strength I have to keep from moving further down stream. However I wasn't strong enough and it continued to move me but not much. Josh is standing in the water closer to the bank looking helpless as to how to help me, and I just tell him to go to the bank. As I said I was praying loud and more intense than I ever have (I was actually screaming the pray towards the Heavens), for I was afraid for what would come if I didn't get out of the river soon.

Keep in mind of where we were kayaking. The place is called Cumberland FALLS! Behind me is the waterfall that would surely be the death of me I thought if I didn't get out soon. I couldn't stand there much longer when finally the current slowed down enough that I thought I could move sllllowllly towards the bank. It took me awhile and I finally made it, however there now was another issue, the kayak.

The Kayak was father down the river than we both were, but we are so grateful that some of my friends were able to stop it from going over, along with all our stuff! The Lord loves us and makes sure we are taken care of even in times of need.

While on the bank we have to figure away out for the bank was all rocks that lead into a forest kind of. As we start to climb some, out of nowhere my friend Lance appears to come help us. He had been standing on the bridge above and couldn't see us but only the kayak and figured someone needed help and headed towards us. He helped Josh and I up this little hill/ forest to the main road and walk back to our group.
Needless to say, I cannot thank the Lord enough for His tender mercies and love. Josh and I had a great time with our friends even though we had a little trouble. It really was a marvelous trip and sight to be reminded of what all the Lord has done and given us.

Here are some pictures I have found online of where we were, needless to say my camera is now long gone, along with the pictures. Enjoy and never forget to thank your Heavenly Father for all that He has done for us. I am thankful for the answer to my prayer in my time of despair.

Cumberland Falls

The falls again

Here is the bridge that Lance was on, and part of the river.

The River

The bank of the river along the way

Saturday, July 9, 2011

One of those days

This week has been crazy and I've had to do everything to keep from screaming.
Well today it all just finally built up and I just had to yell and scream (don't worry not at anyone but the pillow at least) I'm going nuts and I feel like I just can't take anymore. I miss my friends out west and even more so my best friend. I talk to him but it's not the same as seeing him everyday and just being there. Also I got baby (the car) back on Wed, just for it to be back in the shop on Fri. How unfair is that?! Now I am car-less because baby is not getting fixed :( So what am I to do now. I am car-less, hate my job, and can't stand where I live (not the house but just KY)!
UGH it's one of those days!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Update on Baby

Yesterday I took Baby into the mechanics. They spent all day trying to figure out what was wrong and so as of this afternoon they couldn't get Baby to just shut off like she'd being doing for me (one of MANY issues they're working on). So they took her for a little drive and sure enough they had to tow her back to the shop because she died right in the middle of the road like I told them she would! As of right now I have no other news but that I am not crazy and I was right... that will teach them to not believe me again! (:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Baby Trouble Again

Baby is having troubles again and this time I'm pretty sure it's not gonna get fixed this time! Makes me really sad because she is mine and paid for. However I know I need to do something and to fix her will cost just as much as a new car more than likely :(
(p.s. Baby is my CAR for those who don't know)

Monday, June 20, 2011


This past Friday I got off work early so Kady and I got ready for our adventure! We headed for a tee-ball game but it got rained out :( So we went bowling for her first time instead. Kady soon fell in love with the game and cannot wait to go back again soon. Not to mention she totally beat me (But she had bummers and a ball ramp).

Kady Bug and Me

Saturday, June 11, 2011

And now your gone

First off I'd say like to say sometimes life doesn't make sense and I know it's not always going to, but I just wish it did! Last week I lost one of my childhood friends. This alone wasn't happy, but she left behind a 2 year old daughter and my heart goes out to her. She was a single mother and I ache to wonder what will happen with our loving little Ry! ...

I was sitting here getting things together for my Relief Society Presidency meeting today and afterward I just started thinking. Those of you who know me, that's not always a good thing lol!

Anyway I think everyone knows how it feels when life is going great and something comes up or happens that you don't know what to do about. Then from there it's as if everything else seems to fall apart as well. I'm not saying by any means that my life is falling apart, but I do feel like I'm just froze.

I'm stuck at a dead end job, I love the kids, but I honestly don't like who I work for and how things are ran. So I try to figure out what I should do with my life, and like always nothing feels right. For once I wish something amazing would just land in my lap or be thrown at me that is a great opportunity. I do my best to look for new jobs, look at schools, and careers, but nothing just feels like it's what I'm supposed to be doing. Then when I'm down on myself for all this, others come along and have to keep feeding to me that I need to do something with my life. Or tell me I'm not trying hard enough! Do you NOT see me going and trying?! Really?!?! Do you think I LIKE feeling like a failure, do you think I LIKE feeling like I can't do anything worthwhile?! REALLY?! I am tired of it all.

When these times come, I tend to miss my best friends. I miss them and just wish I could be around them. I was looking back at my old blogs today just so I could see them and long for the life I had back then. I felt like my life was headed somewhere, I felt like I was doing something that actually counted. I felt like what I was doing made others happy and proud of me. I hate the feeling I have now. I know I have a good life and I shouldn't be complaining and in my own mind I'm not, I'm just expressing my feelings. I have a family that loves me and an amazing man and little girl in my life. I have the gospel of Jesus Christ and a calling that makes me feel the love of the Savior for me and others. However my career/school life seems to just be falling apart . I just wish I knew what to do. I'm tired, wore out, and just plain sick of this. I'm ready for something, but I don't know what the Lord has in store for me and that is the frustrating part to me,
not knowing!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Last weekend Bethany and Dominic came over to help plant flowers with grandpa, and when they got here they had a little friend to play with also. Kady and Josh were over and they had fun playing and getting to know everyone.

Bethany taking a break already
Kady and Papa
Kady and Bethany
Aren't the girls so cute working hard?!
Our little gardeners
Hanging out
Playing around in the backyard relaxing
Josh and I
Josh, Kady, and I

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Human Punching Bag?!

Once again it has happened, another student has sent me to the doctor. This time however it was a complete accident! We were outside playing on the playground and my little Kady jumped up as I bent over to pick her up and well her head busted my eye. She gave me a black eye along with a nice cut across my eyelid.

I know it's the greatest picture, but this was the day after.
My little Kady and I, before the eye was busted lol

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!

Granny, Me, Laura, Amy, Mom
Bethany givin' me lovin'
The kiddos and their fav Aunt!
Mom, Laura, Bethany, Amy, Claire, Me
*Momma and Me*
I love you sooooo much. Thank you for all you do for me and our family. You are more than I could ever ask for!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Brotherly Love

Being as yesterday was Easter I believe we all reflect on our Savior. It means more than words can express the love and kindness that He provides to me and those around me. The fact He was willing to come live and die for me is more than I can ever begin to comprehend, however I know He would do everything all over again just to save me and my lost soul.

When I think of the Atonement and how much it means to me I stand in awe. Without the power, mercy, and justice that is served and fulfilled I would never be able to return to live with my Heavenly Father and see Him again. I know I have done many of things over my life time to let Him and others down, but I know I have been forgiven as I have felt His love and tenderness in my life. I am eternally grateful for the love of my Savior who is my Elder Brother. I love Him and cannot wait for the day when I can see Him face to face and thank Him for all the tender mercy and love He has shared on my behalf.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My World Just Flips Upside Down

The title of this really has nothing to do with what I'm going to say... it's just a line in a song I'm listening to right now :)

Anyway I'm just sitting here getting somethings ready for my class next week and for parent night as well. While doing this I'm of course listening to music as always which is why I am writing. Music is an amazing part of life. When I can't seem to find the right words, or the right thing to cheer me up, or anything at that matter I know I can also go to music.

Since I was little I've always sang and played the piano. One of the most relaxing things in the world to me is simply sitting down at the piano and singing the Hymns and play other church music. No matter what is going on in my life I know I can find peace and love in them and lately that's what's helping me through things.

It honestly seems like nothing ever seems to workout the way we plan or even hope for (I know that's life, but still). When opportunity's are placed in our path and we are excited for them before we know it, it feels like it's ripped from us. Having a greater knowledge I do understand that sometimes things aren't meant to be and just aren't right for that time, but that doesn't make anything less painful.

If you read my blog more than likely you know about my job and how unhappy I am. I love kids and I love helping them to learn and grow, but I am not happy with who I work for and the way everything is managed. I come home miserable most days, and half the time I'm not even in my own classroom anymore. I don't know what to do because I have done my best to look for another job and everything just doesn't show anything. It gets to you! I try my best to just keep my head up but sometimes it's not good enough, you know what I mean?

If I could do anything in the world, I would just love for music to be my career! It's the most wonderful thing. I wish I could just somehow be able to do so, know the right person, or something, I'm just tied of feeling like I fail at everything I try to do.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thunder Weekend

This past weekend was Thunder Over Louisville! For those of you who do not know what that means... go repent! No for real though it's the kick off to the KY Derby festival, and not to mention the largest firework show in North America. It's always been fun to go, but since I haven't lived here in 5 years for it I've missed out. However this year I went with the singles. WE got tickets to the River Bats game that day (the were horrible for once :( sad) and had fun just hanging out there. Here are just a few pictures of the day.

Me, Vanessa, and Amanda

Kev and I
Vanessa and Me

Travis, Me, Amanda, Vanessa, and Pablo

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Breaking News

Breaking News!

Today started out as a normal work day for my class and myself. WE had breakfast, then had circle time. We practiced writing the letter "Aa" and then played for a little. After awhile we picked up and did bubbles and got out out pet hermit crab "Sally". The kids love to get her out and watch her "run" around the room as they say. Then it was off to lunch. Well everyday after lunch we have nap time... let me back up a little.

There's one kid in my class who has some issues hitting... and the child tends to take it all out on me for the most part. I'd rather this child hit me than any of the other students, but lately the kid has been hitting more and more....

Well at nap time today this child decided to attack me. That's right just full on beat me. I finally got this kid off of me and I lay in the middle of my class room crying because I first off shouldn't have to take this abus and second off I was in pain. I get another teacher to trade rooms and she looked at me amazed as to what this child has done to me. My body is coverd in red marks from the fists and my eye and left side of my face are red too where my face took some hits as well.

I go home and take some medicine and what not to help the pain and what not. Nothing seems to help, so I head back to work to get information to go to the doctors under workmans comp. I go to the doctor and they take xrays and low and behold the child has fractured my jaw. Breaking news aye! A child can break a grown adults face!

I'm just taking it easy and taking the medicine I was given, however I am HUNGRY! I can't hardly open my mouth and it hurts to talk. Overall my day wasn't the best I've had in a long time. The only upside to this mess was when Jay told me he was moving closer officially :) Made me smile (as big as I could without hurting too much lol).

Monday, April 4, 2011

Certain Someone

So there's a certain someone in my life (and from the past) that makes me smile everyday! I feel like a little school girl sometimes and I can't help but giggle... Can't wait to see him.

And Happy Birthday to sweet little Bethany! Today she is 4!