Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Enjoying Life

Here I am sitting and relaxing on my day off and figured I could share what's been going on lately. Everyone should know already there was a time were things just seemed to be going downhill with work, the love life, and the car and since then of course things have been looking up. I'm doing rather well and enjoy my job.

In our family we always joke about there being "The Burnett Curse" and for me the part of the curse is not having many friends, or at least not feeling very involved even if I have some. Lately I have found a friend that breaks the curse. I finally have a friend that accepts me for me and we have a good time hanging out. It's just refreshing to have someone to talk to (besides family). I'm just glad that the Lord is blessing my life in many ways right now. I am grateful for all He does for me and will continue to do.

Along the line of work, I am loving my job as I have mentioned. However it has opened my eyes to many things in life. I sometimes wonder if I want to do something else along the lines with the law. I don't know what I would want to do, but I really enjoy this line of work. If you know me well it fits me, but most people wouldn't see me doing my job. I love the fact I am helping people in away others cannot. As I get to know those around me my heart aches for some of them and others I feel sorry for. To sit there and see what is happening with their life is heartbreaking. I know we are all children of our Heavenly Father and I know it must hurt Him to see where they have taken their lives, yet I KNOW He still loves them. Somehow I feel like I am supposed to help them and be His hands, I just don't know how and in what way. So if anyone has any input (even if you don't know me) feel free to share! I'm open minded to what there is out there.

One other thing :) Hopefully sooner than later I'll be going to Utah for a little visit to see someone! This makes me happier than anyone can imagine. Life is coming together and I feel amazing about everything. Now it's just a matter of when for the rest to happen.


Laura Jansson said...

Glad you're happy :) Love you!

The Jones Family said...

Great post, I'm glad to hear you're so happy too! :) Cute picture by the way! Love you!!