Sunday, August 21, 2011

Baby Ouch!

Everyone should know Baby (my car) had been in the shop for awhile and I finally got her back on Monday August 15th! Well Thursday the 18th Baby decided she was going to die again and this time maybe for good. Baby and I got in an accident and weren't too bad off. I was really sore of course and she had some damage to her hood. So off we went to head home with Mom and Grandma behind us just encase anything happened. Oh am I so glad they were there. Not enough half a mile down the road I was scared more than ever in my life. I've lived through some pretty tough and trying things but this did me in. I was driving along when the hood of Baby came off in the back (by the windshield) and came into my car, causing the front to pop up and come flying in as well! I couldn't see a thing of course so I hurry to the side of the road where I almost hit a speed limit sign, or something. Mom and Grandma's reaction was OH MY as they saw other parts of my car flying through the air. The officer wasn't far away who had taken the report and was there in a matter of a couple of minutes. As I through my car in park all I could do was open my car door and fall to the ground. I have no idea what was going on around me what traffic was doing until I saw my mom and the officer walk over to me. I was scared out of my mind and shaking like no other. All I remember is the officer saying something along the lines of "she just needs a good cry" and pretty much not to touch me for I was covered in glass. Next thing I know the ambulance is coming and the check out my eyes for glass and take my vitals and what not and ask if I want to go with them. Let's be for real, last time I was in one I had major neck and back issues and didn't really want to go so I opted out. When all was said and done, Mom and Grandma helped me home and all I wanted to do was take a shower, so I did. Finally Papa comes home (he had been in Ohio for business) and comes and hugs me. for some reason fathers hugs always make things better. Even though I am alright for the most part Baby sure isn't. Now I'm playing the waiting game to see if my car insurance is going to fix her or total her. In away I want to a new car, but Baby and I have been through so much and she is all mine. She's paid for and everything. I guess only time will tell.


The Jones Family said...

I'm so glad you're okay! I hope you hear back about your car soon and that everything works out the way it's supposed to. I'm so glad Mom and Grandma were there to rescue you!