Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ultra Sound...

So I went back to the doctor today to get my results. I was surprised when not just DR. Cotton walked in, but another doc! I have them all stumped I guess. It took 2 of them to tell me that the ultra sound was normal, and that they were going to do an MRI. So needless to say I had one done today... and yes I go back tomorrow for the results!

Besides me being in and out of the hospital lately, Josh is there right now! He was at work today and I don't know all the details, but somehow he got hurt. He can't hardly move and I'm worried bout him. He just called and told me that they are doing x-rays and all that, but they think he broke his back... NOT GOOD! So keep us both in your prayers please. I feel so helpless we are both sick :(


Bill and Freddie Ann said...

Glad you're feeling better today! Ihope you keep it up! :) Love you!

Kristen Brady said...

I'm so sorry you're having to go through all of this. Hang in there and know that we're thinking about you!