Friday, July 26, 2013

Little Man Loves the Park and Pool

Alright time for an update again and hopefully I can catch up quickly. This summer we went to the park most days for free lunch and to play. Here's some of the fun Gavin and the boys had! We also went to a summer swim party for the hospital, my mother in law works for them.
Cody Joe!

Let's be for real I don't remember which twin is which in this picture, so we'll take a guess...
Carson, Cody, Me, Gavin, Cole
Mom and her boys :)

Grandma Brenda and the Twins

Someone got hold of a chocolate chip cookie by himself :) 

Cody FINALLY made it across, he tried so hard, so many times!

Gavin splashing and trying to swim. He's like his mommy and LOVES the water!

Gavin and Ave
A friend from church

Dad, Grandma, and the Twins

My Sweetheart and I

The twins and Gavin at the Tipton pool

Carson has a little girlfriend ;)
She followed him around all day!

He LOVES this chair since it's his size!