Friday, June 5, 2015

The Prodigal Son

The prodigal son of ours came home tonight. Yesterday the court said that he is to be here and that we will just have to wait and see what comes of the situation. For those of you who don't know, long story short, 11 months ago Cody made a bad choice that impacted all of us. After his choice we had no idea where or how to contact him. Finally in April some other things happened that I won't go into detail about that lead us to know where he was, and after that we were able to take the entire situation to court. Gavin was so little when Cody left that he remembered him only through pictures, however it didn't take long for the two to be best buddies again. After we did a few things we took Cody by my in-laws to see him. We all know it will take sometime getting back to the way things were before, but no matter what, we're grateful to have all four of our boys back home.