This past weekend almost 80 of us singles got together and headed down to Cumberland Falls in southern Kentucky. We had a camp out and then headed down the river. Some of us canoed while others kayaked, I was personally kayaking. Not long into the trip down the river Josh and I managed to get caught on a rock... fun right?! So the kayak wouldn't loosen so it took 3 men to pull it out and empty it out (I helped as well... or tried to). My legs got cuts and bruises on them from where the kayak was full of water and actually sinking with me still in it. While it was sinking it went under the other kayak and was turning (with me in it keep in mind). So finally I get out of it but my ankle was beat up some, but we got it all taking care of and went on down the river again. What a beautiful thing Heavenly Father gave to us, nature. As we continued down the river I really was reminded of what all we have been blessed with.
When our trip was to an end Josh and I were headed towards the side of the river when we were taken by surprise. When I mean taken, I mean it literally. Our kayak was overturned by a big wave that came from nowhere and flipped us out and sent the kayak down the river. Josh was lucky enough to end up closer to the river bank than I. The current was moving so fast and rapidly that it swept me away in the the middle of the river and farther down stream. As I finally get my footing on a rock I happened to find (underwater so it was slippery) I start praying loud and more intense than I ever have in my life.
Here I am stuck in the middle of this river and I'm using every ounce of energy and strength I have to keep from moving further down stream. However I wasn't strong enough and it continued to move me but not much. Josh is standing in the water closer to the bank looking helpless as to how to help me, and I just tell him to go to the bank. As I said I was praying loud and more intense than I ever have (I was actually screaming the pray towards the Heavens), for I was afraid for what would come if I didn't get out of the river soon.
Keep in mind of where we were kayaking. The place is called Cumberland FALLS! Behind me is the waterfall that would surely be the death of me I thought if I didn't get out soon. I couldn't stand there much longer when finally the current slowed down enough that I thought I could move sllllowllly towards the bank. It took me awhile and I finally made it, however there now was another issue, the kayak.
The Kayak was father down the river than we both were, but we are so grateful that some of my friends were able to stop it from going over, along with all our stuff! The Lord loves us and makes sure we are taken care of even in times of need.
While on the bank we have to figure away out for the bank was all rocks that lead into a forest kind of. As we start to climb some, out of nowhere my friend Lance appears to come help us. He had been standing on the bridge above and couldn't see us but only the kayak and figured someone needed help and headed towards us. He helped Josh and I up this little hill/ forest to the main road and walk back to our group.
Needless to say, I cannot thank the Lord enough for His tender mercies and love. Josh and I had a great time with our friends even though we had a little trouble. It really was a marvelous trip and sight to be reminded of what all the Lord has done and given us.
Here are some pictures I have found online of where we were, needless to say my camera is now long gone, along with the pictures. Enjoy and never forget to thank your Heavenly Father for all that He has done for us. I am thankful for the answer to my prayer in my time of despair.
Cumberland Falls
The falls again
Here is the bridge that Lance was on, and part of the river.
The River
The bank of the river along the way